Conditional Commitment 92800

Forms & Docs > Conditional Commitment 92800

Page will only display for FHA Loans.

Users can edit and/or print Fields on this form, which are both editable and disabled.


The following fields will auto-populate onto the 92800:

The Loan Number field will be disabled on 92800 as it auto-populates from 1003 > I. Terms Tab.

The Borrower Name field will be disabled on 92800 as it auto-populates from 1003 > Borrower Tab.

The Institution NMLS Number will appear in the top right corner of the printed Commitment Letter, this field pulls from the Loan Origination Company ID (NMLS) in the Institution Profile in admin.

Commitment Terms if Mortgage Insurance is required, select from the drop-down menu the Conditional Commitment for Mortgage Insurance under the National Housing Act, Sec:

User will check the "See Below" box for following to appear: CHUMS ID: editable field will update/come from FHA Transmittal Lender ID: disabled will come from the1003 > Government Tab (this will auto populate if input in admin: Admin > Institutions Admin > edit > FHA Lender ID Action Date: manual entry date --- Sponsor/Agent field will be disabled and will auto-populate from the 1003 > Government Tab.

Mortgagee: Lending Company information

The Estimated Value of Property field will be disabled and will auto-populate from the Borrower Summary > Appraised Value

Property Address field will be disabled and will auto-populate from the 1003 > II. Property Tab Existing or Proposed: Select one. This field will auto-populate if already entered on the FHA Transmittal (Property Status) or 1003 > Other Data Tab

Monthly Expense Estimate field will be disabled auto-populates from the 1003 > V. Income, Housing > Combined Monthly Housing Expense > Proposed > Hazard Insurance, Real Estate Tax, Mortgage Insurance and Condo Com.


The following fields will be editable and the user will need to update:

- FHA Case No: editable field will update/come from FHA transmittal and on the 1003 > Government tab

- INST Case Ref No: editable field auto populates loan number Mortgagee: Lending Company information

- Expense (if Condo) Commitment Issued - enter or select Commitment Expires - enter or select Improved Living Area Sq. Feet - editable amount


Specific Commitment Conditions: If additional conditions are required users can select the applicable check box. Estimated Remaining Economic Life: editable amount Assurance of Completion checked and editable amount can be added. The assumption clause will pull from the TIL.

Manufactured Housing: will auto populate based on selection made to property type > Borrower summary also 1003 > Property tab.

See Indicated additional items on attached: user can edit the text box add items


See Following additional conditions on the back: users can edit condition in text box